other health problems
Preventive/Regenerative health services we assist you with.
Naturopathic health Consultations
One on One meeting with our ND to discuss your health concerns & health goals for holistic solutions & guidance.
Massage Therapy
Skilful manipulations of soft body tissue(muscle) to improve circulation & restore muscle health.
Skilful manipulation of nerve endings under feet to detect & correct Weakened/stressed tissues in the body.
The ancient diagnostic method of analysing stressed malnourished tissues in the body for nutritional support & holistic solutions.
Regenerative Nutrition
The most natural way to peel the old skin and let a young new skin grow
Naturopathic health Consultations
Massage Therapy
Regenerative Nutrition
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If you are looking for specific advice concerning your health – please call 0302528907 / 0201983567 to schedule an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Colonic Hydrotherapy
Colonic hydrotherapy also known as colonic irrigation is the safest way of cleansing your intestines without the use of drugs. A gentle infusion of filtered warm water in and out of your large bowels to remove mucoid toxins build up in the colon
Treatment lasts about 20 minutes during the first session, and about 35minutes to 40minute on subsequent sessions at Gut Care.
No, it’s not painful at all, many people think there’s anaesthesia given in the procedure but it’s not so, this is a hygienic experience, highly non-invasive. There is slight discomfort in the client during sessions as toxins become rehydrated, loose and softened to be guided out of the colon through the hoses.
1. Children from 7 years and above.
2. Elders at any age.
3. Pregnant women after the first trimester to the 8th month.
Get your mind-body-spirit ready for detoxification & vitality by drinking vegetable soups and eating a lot of fruits so there wouldn’t be any unnecessary delay during treatment. You may also consider taking a herbal laxative to break toxins down as well as a fibre supplement if you know your system has gotten sluggish for some time( kindly note you could buy the cleanest – safest tissue cleanser from us, as well as
GC Kitchen would be excited to serve you healthy soups- speak to us now for any clarity via 0302528907.
Enema uses small amount of stimulating fluids to flush toxins from small part of the large bowel(rectum & sigmoid colon) while colonic irrigation uses a large volume of filtered warm water to flush the entire colon.
Enema is administered personally whereas colonic involves a trained therapist to administer, Colonic is an advanced enema.